Divine Destiny


Prophetic Vision


Transformational Truth


Established Identity


Revelatory Insight


Divine Destiny 〰️ Prophetic Vision 〰️ Transformational Truth 〰️ Established Identity 〰️ Revelatory Insight 〰️

Life: God’s Way

Living life God’s way is an awesome adventure—a journey of discovering your true identity, maturing your image of God and learning how to encounter Perfect Love. Kingdom Living Ministries (KLM) exists to help people do life with God, experience the reality of His presence and live loved.

About Mary

Mary Forsythe is on a remarkable journey—one that has taken her from small-town beginnings to big city glamour to time in prison, from selling lemonade in her front yard to an impressive stock portfolio by the time she was in her mid-twenties. She knows what its like to gain material wealth and social status—and then to lose it all. After suffering deep disappointment and loss, Mary finally found everything she’d been looking for all along.

Inmate Outreach

God's Chosen Ones Behind Bars

Kingdom Living Ministries is committed to reaching inmates with a message of hope, acceptance and love. We do this by collaborating with chaplains and prison volunteers throughout the United States supplying them with resources that equip inmates to leave their past behind, embrace the truth of who they are and discover His love.

Joining the Journey

Mary's Latest Book Is Now Available

Joining the Journey is a personal adventure into life and liberty—the vibrant, rewarding life God wants you to enjoy and the liberty that enables you to embrace it with passion. It’s an opportunity to be strengthened, empowered and equipped as He leads you along in the divine destiny He has prepared for you. Loaded with encouragement, practical wisdom and opportunities to commune with the Lord on a personal level, this book is sure to help you fi nd your way into an intimate, vital friendship with Him.

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