Donate to Kingdom Living
At KLM, we value the partnership of people like you, who share our passion to see lives transformed by God’s goodness, acceptance and love. As you support KLM with your finances, know that you play a vitally important role in helping us reach many that do know they are valuable, loved, significant and are not alone. Please know that we take seriously our responsibility to use your gifts wisely and strategically in that endeavor. Kingdom Living Ministries is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt not-for-profit organization. All gifts to Kingdom Living Ministries are tax deductible.
Select General Fund or Inmate Outreach from the drop down below.
The Church Behind Bars
“The Lord changed my life in a radical way during my years in a federal women’s prison. While incarcerated, I began the journey with Him that has led me to a place where I can now reach back into prisons all over the United States and in other nations and offer inmates hope for transformation in their lives through life-changing resources.”
– Mary Forsythe
Kingdom Living Ministries is committed to reaching inmates with the power of the salvation message and equipping them to discover God’s path and fulfill His purposes. Our desire is to help them rebuild their lives on the solid foundation of God’s Word and experience healing, restoration, and wholeness. You can join us in this effort with your financial gift earmarked for “prison outreach.”
Yes! I would like to donate to the KLM inmate outreach fund.