Welcome to Kingdom Living Ministries

Kingdom Living. It’s not just a ministry; it’s a way of life. At Kingdom Living Ministries (KLM), we celebrate and enjoy that way of life more and more every day.

In every possible way, we also support and encourage others who want to experience the goodness, grace and joy of God’s Kingdom.

KLM’s founder and president, Mary Forsythe, ministers in the United States and internationally, inspiring people to grow spiritually and enjoy increasing intimacy with God. Through KLM, Mary travels the world teaching, preaching and offering keen prophetic insights to individuals, churches and organizations. She also provides life-changing books and messages to prison inmates and troubled teens through KLM’s resource ministry. KLM is dedicated to doing everything possible to advancing God’s Kingdom on a personal level for everyone who interacts with us and on a corporate level around the world.

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Mary Forsythe is on a remarkable journey—one that has taken her from small-town beginnings to big city glamour to time in prison, from selling lemonade in her front yard to an impressive stock portfolio by the time she was in her mid-twenties. She knows what its like to gain material wealth and social status—and then to lose it all. After suffering deep disappointment and loss, Mary finally found everything she’d been looking for all along.

Once far from God and His purposes, Mary has personally experienced an amazing transformation as the Holy Spirit has orchestrated transformation and restoration in her life. Her ongoing adventure with the Lord led her to establish Kingdom Living Ministries in 2001 for the purpose of helping and encouraging others to become all God has destined them to be.

Mary’s book, A Glimpse of Grace,
tells her story in depth.